The second PhiBrows Royal Artist of New Zealand - Judy Nguyen

Judy Nguyen - News Zealand's first Phibrowns Royal Aritist
Judy Nguyen has become the first PhiBrows Royal Artist in Wellington, and second in New Zealand after months of training in Las Vegas, USA. She has been known for her successful Nail Salon chain 4 Seasons Nails for years, and now Judy is expanding her expertise into Micro Blading. The entrepreneur is making her dream of bringing the latest beauty trend of the world into New Zealand at an affordable price to those who need it comes true. The eyebrow tattoo the PhiBrowns Royal Artist has to offer is guaranteed to give you a natural and fresh look that will surprise you. Her skill is highly appreciated by master; and her reputation is highly recommended by her loyal clients.


Great results of Phibrows Tattoos
What is PhiBrows in the first place?
PhiBrows is a micro-blading Academy by Branko Babic. Micro-blading is a form of tattooing that implants pigment under the skin using a manual handheld tool, unlike a machine in traditional tattooing.
"PhiBrows is a manual skill of semi-permanent eyebrows drawing. Shape of the eyebrows is calculated according to the golden intersection and face morphology." (2016, PhiBrows).
So what is a PhiBrows Artist?
A PhiBrows Artist is a student certified byPhiAcademy who has demonstrated a basic knowledge in micro-blading technique.
And how is a normal PhiBrows Artist different from a PhiBrows Royal Artist?
A Royal Artist is a student who has demonstrated above-average skills in the job.
In order to become a Royal Artist, a student must:
Have a certain working experience
Be exceptionally activated in the PhiCommunity
Be highly appreciated by other Artists
Help selflessly to developing students
Follow the trends and continually perfect his/her skills
Be careful when choosing working equipment and materials (2016, PhiBrows)
Do not hesitate to contact our service or Judy herself to fulfill your passion of best-looking brows.
Watch this video to understand more about micro-blading and PhiBrows:
Frequently asked questions:
How long does it take?
It is about 1-2 hours per session for years of beauty to come. It includes 2 appointments 4-6 week apart, giving time for the brows to heal completely. The first procedure takes about 60-90 minutes; the second is about 30-60 minutes.
Do I need a patch test?
Yes, you do. Every client need to do the test at least 48 hours prior to the treatment.
Does it hurt?
No, it does not. Anaesthetics are applied before a client takes the procedure to ensure their comfort.
How long will the healing be?
Clients do not need to hide their brows until it is healed. They can walk outdoor immediately after the treatment. Initially, the colour will be strong, and through time it will become more natural in 2-3 weeks.