Judy at PhiContour Workshop
Judy has paid a visit to her home country Vietnam for another Phi training, and this time it is PhiContour.
The class is held by the Master Huong Phan from Vietnam as the lecturers with the assistance of Master Kerstin Ellmer, Master Thorsten Kreiling from Austria .

From left to right: Huong Phan, Judy Nguyen, Kerstin Ellmer and Thorsten Kreiling
It is a 6-day training program in which trainees get to practice their skill on models with the assistance and guidance from masters to ensure they get the correct touch and have the mistakes pointed out right away.

"...assistance and guidance from masters..."

"...mistakes pointed out right away."

The Masters perform the technique as example for trainees to follow each steps slowly and carefully.

The example would look like this.
And certificated are granted at the end of the 6-day program. All the trainees contact information would later be listed on Phi website as long with address of their salon for customer to easily look them up.