Check out our Spring Deals - Up to 50% OFF*
Calling out microbladers and cosmetic tattooists!!! We are clearing stock of microblading pen and cosmetic tattoo needle. Ẹnoy 50% off Fabulashbrows 18u16 nano blade, 10% off Fabulashbrows 18u18 microblade, 30% off needle for Black Pearl machine and 20% off membrance needle (our new needle line with the needle cartridge with backflow prevention). Our synthetic lash for eyelash extension and our premium made in Germany PMU pigment are also on SALE, 10% OFF everything. Isn't it fantastic? Hurry!!! Valid till 20 November
Up to 50% off microblade for microblading
18U16 nano blade _ 50% OFF _ now $37.50
18U18 micro blade _ 10% OFF _ now $67.50
Up to 30% off Tattoo needle for Black Pearl machine
Membrane 1R 0.25 / 0.3 _ now $31.20
3RL 0.25 _now $24.50
3RS 0.30 _now $24.50
1RL 0.18 _now $28
1RL 0.30 _now $24.50
10% off Eyelash & accessories
Synthetic Lash _now $20.66
Pre-made Fan 5D _now $26.96
Pre-made Fan 8D _now $31.46
10% off Semi permanent tattoo pigment
Blush Pigment _now $88.20
Fabulash Pigment _now $49.50-$53.10
PMU Pigment _now $81
MAKEUP Pigment _now $62.10
*Prices are GST excluded. Terms and conditions apply. While stocks last #sale #microbladingsale #microbladingproduct #microbladesale #cosmetictatooproduct #cosmetictattoosale #bestdeals #springsale #summersale #beautyproductsale #tattooproductsale